How to reach Ganagapur


Ganagapur Datta Mutt is situated at 22 kms from 'Ganagapur Road' (Railway Station Name) in Karnataka.Nearest City is Gulbarga which is approximately 40 kms.


From Sholapur Ganagapur is at a distance of around 95 Kms.

From Hyderabad Ganagapur is at a distance of about 250 Kms,

From Mumbai to Ganagapur is approximately 526 Kms.

From Distance from Pune to Gangapur Road 332 Km,

Direct trains are available from Mumbai to Ganagapur Road.

From Hyderabad one can reach Gangagapur by road via Humnabad, and Gulbarga. Plenty of buses are also available from Hyderabad to Gulbarga.

From Ganagappur  railway station the temple is about 20 kms. One can hire an auto from railway station which costs between Rs. 30-40/- per person. If you just walk for about a furlong you  can get government buses as well.

If a devotee is coming from Gulbarga, they should take a bus from the city bus stand to either Chowdapur or Gangapur. Frequent bus facility is available for Chowdapur.

From Chowdapur it’s about 7 kms to Ganagapur temple. One can either hire an auto or travel by bus from Chowdapur to Ganagapur. Both private and Government buses are available but at specified scheduled times only.

There is no airport in Ganagapur. Nearest airport to Ganagapur Road is Hyderabad Airport (220 km).

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